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Historical Events in the Fire Service

Historical Events in the Fire Service

Q The fire service of today is a direct result of an evolution in the methology, technology and responsibility of a service that has been vital to communities since the beginning of civilization. Name the era that you think influenced the fire service the most or a historical fire that resulted in major changes in how fires were fought or safety initiatives that resulted.. Create your own thread in the Discussion section, also respond to a classmates statement. Worth 15 points

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The formation of the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in the year of 1990 is perhaps the revolution of an era which I think had influenced the fire service the most. This is because there had been several types of behaviors of firefighters during firefighting which had become dangerous and extremely risky for the lives of the firefighters during the era of the 1990s. The risky and dangerous firefighting behaviors had been identified during the 1980s and thereafter there had been the formation of 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives so that the lives of the firefighters could be changed completely (Peniston-Bird, 2018).